Solution >> FAQs
What problems will TransReplicator address for us?
Primarily TransReplicator will
Help control propagation of proprietary corporate and customer information
- Protects information in your least secure environments: test and development
- Helps maintain customer/corporate data privacy
- Allows you to work with in-house and outsource vendors without the concern of propagating your customer/corporate information - NDA or no NDA... isn't it better to just not give out your proprietary data in the first place.
Minimizes the effort required to create and populate/repopulate test
and development databases that are subsets (or supersets) of production
- Copies of large production databases no longer needed for test and development
- Allows you to automatically create reasonably sized copies of production that are free of proprietary information
- Allows you to work with your in-house and outsource development teams faster
- Helps minimize the risk database reloads happening over data that is current being used by testers and developers.
Our company outsources development. How can TransReplicator help us?
TransReplicator will allow you to work with your outsource vendor faster by creating reasonably-sized development and test databases that are free of your proprietary information. This helps to control the unwanted propagation of your proprietary information and reduces your company's liability associated with data-privacy laws.Does software require programming skills to configure and operate?
No. Wizards are used to help guide the user through the creation of a replica database creation and/or refresh process. Access to additional external services (e.g., database reload request/fulfillment workflow...) are furnished through web services. Knowledge of the underlying database structure (e.g., the tblClients table contains client information and the ClientName field in this table contains the client's names...) is needed for the initial setup of the data transformation rules.If my company uses only Oracle, do we have to purchase components for all databases?
No. The application is licensed and configured per RDBMS technology (e.g., Oracle, SQL Server, DB2...). You only need a license for the technologies you will be using.How is TransReplicator sold?
TransReplicator is sold as a service/product combination. We typically integrate and configure our product suite in your environment and create your database extracts. We also provide you with additional site licensing and train you to define your own extract processes.What does TransReplicator cost?
The cost creating a copy of an existing database is dependent upon the size and complexity of the database/schema to be replicated. Since we are integrating our existing product suite, we can very accurately estimate what the cost of the effort will be for your company. The cost of additional product licensing for your department or company is dependent on the number of database instances to be accessed, the number of different RDBMS technologies in your environment and the number of application users. In the case of both services and product licensing, TransReplicator is an exceptionally affordable solution with ROI expected in a 4-6 month timeframe.